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  • EvenAction
  • Được sử dụng để lập lịch trong tương lai. 

    Within this action, the Target is the trigger that fires the rule. There is an EventDestination, which is the STARTDATE of the future event that the rule will schedule, and there is a ValueExpression that calculates the STARTDATE for the future event.

    To define an EventAction, you must identify the Target, define the EventDestination, and ValueExpression, and specify the conditions for when to run the Rule (RunOnStatus). Following are three different techniques for implementing an EventAction:

    • Schedule all subsequent events based on the date of the first event (View a sample)
      • There is ONE Target (trigger) in this option - the Rule is triggered only for that Target
      • If an Event STARTDATE is changed, this Rule does not update future Events 
    • Schedule all subsequent events based on the date of the current event (View a sample)
      • There are MULTIPLE Targets (triggers) in this option - the Rule is triggered for any of the Targets
      • If an Event STARTDATEis changed, this Rule dynamically updates all subsequent events
    • Schedule the next event (and only the next event) based on the status of the current event (View a sample)
      • This option does not display the entire visit schedule. Initially it only displays the first event. Once the first Event is started or completed, it displays the next event - and only the next event. Once the next Event data entry is started or completed, it displays the next event, and so on.
