Enterprise Design Thinking

StepContent - https://www.ibm.com/design/thinking/ - https://www.ibm.com/design/thinking/page/framework


Start learning the theory, history, and language of Enterprise Design Thinking.

Design thinking is for everyone

Learn what design thinking is and why creating experiences matters.

“Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.” - Herbert Simon

Design thinking is the mindset that aims to improve the situation of people through the experiences they have. If you’re interested in solving problems for people, then you can practice design thinking.

So, what is the experience?

It’s more than any product or service

Think of the last time you had tea, coffee, or hot cocoa. Maybe it was this morning. How did it make you feel? Why did you drink it? What else were you doing at the time?

Chances are your answers to those questions are different than anyone else who drank a hot beverage recently. Those answers represent your experience.

Design thinking requires you to consider a person’s experience in order to focus on their human needs. Your customers don’t inherently care about the inner workings of a coffee maker: they seek a quick pick-me-up, a comforting chat, or something warm on a cold day.

experience - "the way a person feels, and what they think while they’re doing something"

A vase is a vase is a vase

Were all those vases similar to yours? The prompt (design a vase) was too narrow for innovation and creativity to flourish...a common problem in the enterprise world.

Let’s take a step back, open the aperture a bit. Why would someone buy a vase? What purpose does it serve? A vase is only one way to enjoy flowers in your home. Try the activity again, but this time think of it as an experience.


Design thinking isn’t just for designers

users - "the people who interact with the thing, service, offering, system, etc. that you make"

Design thinking isn’t just for designers

Even though it includes the word “design,” design thinking is a mindset that anyone can apply. It simply means that you’re starting to think like a designer—about how you can improve the current experience of the people you serve: your users.

Put the “enterprise” in Enterprise Design Thinking

Learn the framework of Enterprise Design Thinking and why it’s necessary for modern enterprise work.

You aren’t in the flower business

Think back to the vase experiment in the last lesson. Enterprise businesses don’t often face vase-sized problems. We work with problems that shape industries and governments. The nature of these problems requires a special flavor of design thinking that can cover the scale and complexity we face in our daily work.

An Overview of Enterprise Design Thinking


Watch this video to see what Enterprise Design Thinking is about and why it was created.

Enterprise Design Thinking

a tailor-made approach for large, distributed teams to help them quickly deliver human-centered outcomes to the mark

Our shared language

We all communicate through language. But, communication easily breaks down when we aren’t speaking the same language. Throughout this course, you’ll explore the vocabulary of Enterprise Design Thinking and start to put the words to work. The Framework allows you to speak about design thinking across large teams and companies and stay on the same page.

The Enterprise Design Thinking Framework

Take a minute to explore the vocabulary of Enterprise Design Thinking.

The Principles guide your day-to-day work.

They ensure you’re keeping your user in mind, collaborating with a diverse team, and continuously trying to improve your solutions.

A focus on user outcomes

Drive business by helping users achieve their goals.

Restless reinvention

Stay essential by treating everything as a prototype.

Diverse Empowered Teams

Move faster by working together and embracing diversity.

The Loop

Understand the present and envision the future in a continuous cycle of observing, reflecting, and making.


Immerse yourself in the real world with design research. Interview users, watch them work, and test your ideas with the people who matter most to inform your decision-making and understanding.


Come together and look within to synchronize your movements, synthesize what you’ve learned, and share your “aha” moments with each other. Decide together and move forward with confidence.


Give concrete form to abstract ideas. The earlier you make the faster you learn. Put your ideas out there before they’re complete and improve them as you go.

The Keys

Scalable practices for enterprise team alignment.


Align your team around the meaningful user outcomes you want to achieve. Hills are statements of intent written as user enablements. They follow a format of Who, What, and Wow.

Who: Who is your user? Refer to them by name.

What: What will your user be able to do that they couldn’t before? Start with a verb and avoid solutions.

Wow: What differentiates you from the competition? This is measurable.


Stay aligned by regularly exchanging feedback. Playbacks are story-based presentations that share insights, ideas, and updates to a user experience.

Sponsor Users

Invite users into the work and stay true to real-world needs. Sponsor Users are external clients, future clients, or end users that represent your target user, who regularly contribute domain expertise to your team. Relationships with Sponsor Users are typically formalized with an agreement that covers confidentiality and our right to use their feedback.

The Enterprise Design Thinking Framework

Keep these terms top of mind.

Prepare yourself

See examples of teams successfully using Enterprise Design Thinking to solve complex problems and gear up for the rest of the course.


Watch this team use Enterprise Design Thinking to improve their users’ experiences.

Change is hard

tools - "activities and resources that help your team work collaboratively to yield specific artifacts. Explore them in the Toolkit."


Business as usual: a team sitting and listening in a meeting.

Enterprise Design Thinking: a team collaborating around a board.

The team you just saw is doing great things with Enterprise Design Thinking. But this definitely isn’t their first time practicing it. Adopting Enterprise Design Thinking and experiencing the great outcomes that you just heard about doesn’t happen overnight.

Like all of the best things in life, Enterprise Design Thinking is an ongoing journey filled with highs and lows. It takes some effort and commitment, but the results are worth it. This platform is designed to give you the tools and knowledge you need to address the challenges and harness the opportunities you will face as you begin your practice.

Are you ready to dive in?

Your challenge

All Enterprise Design Thinking initiatives start with a business problem, like low employee retention or uncovering a new market segment. In the next few lessons, you’ll work through a business problem by framing it around human experiences and learn the Principles of Enterprise Design Thinking along the way.

A focus on user outcomes

Drive business results by focusing on your users’ needs.

Identify your users and their problems

See how working with users can help your team address complexity and ambiguity.

a focus on user outcomes - an Enterprise Design Thinking Principle that represents putting your users at the center of your work and solving for their needs

Complexity and ambiguity

Enterprise teams, like yours, deal with complex ecosystems that take years to learn and master. They offer countless rabbit holes, worm holes, plot holes, pot holes, and any other kind of ambiguous situations you can think of. Finding enough clarity to decide on the best thing to do within this intricate web can sometimes seem impossible.

But, it doesn’t have to be so hard. Finding clarity can be as simple as focusing on the most important thing. In design thinking, the most important thing is people. In Enterprise Design Thinking, we call this a focus on user outcomes.

A focus on user outcomes

When you focus your team and your work around your users and their needs, you’re able to more easily decide what’s important. This makes your offerings more essential to the people who use them. If all you did was ask:

Who are our users?

What is their current experience?

How could it be improved?

over and over again, you would get closer and closer to understanding your users and creating an ideal future for them. This allows you to put a more valuable offering into your client’s hands and into the market.

Business problems to human-centered problems

Business problems, like those you are asked to solve day to day, are often focused on something nonhuman, like the bottom line or brand recognition. In order to start focusing on your users, you have to identify the user problems that underlie the business problem.

Uncover the Problem

Adam Cutler, Enterprise Design Thinking Leader, explains the value of knowing what problem you’re solving, for whom, and why.


Case Studies

The airline problem: Think back to the business problem we gave you in the last lesson. The original problem was: Windsor Airline’s consistent flight delays are hurting the company’s bottom line. This complex problem could quickly overwhelm anyone, but focusing on users and their problems can help make it more straightforward.

Ask why?

The 5 Whys activity digs deeper into a problem or uncovers the intent behind an idea. Let’s find the root cause of the original problem facing Windsor Airlines.

What is the business problem?

Windsor Airline’s consistent flight delays are hurting the company’s bottom line.

Why might that be?

Because the majority of their flights don’t depart on time.


Because on average the gate isn’t locked 10 minutes before a flight’s scheduled takeoff.


Because the dispatchers don’t have the passenger data, which is legally required for the gate to close.


Because it’s not clear who’s on the final passenger list.


Because gate agents struggle to negotiate last-minute passenger changes.

Compare the original problem statement to the statement after the 5 Whys activity. Now we’re closer to the root cause of Windsor Airline’s problem and have a specific user to focus on—gate agents.

The original business problem

Windsor Airline’s consistent flight delays are hurting the company’s bottom line.

The user-centered problem after 5 Whys

Because gate agents struggle to negotiate last-minute passenger changes.

The current situation to improved future

Complex systems, like the efficiency of the airline’s boarding process, impact a lot of different types of people. That’s okay. We expect that from enterprise problems. The key is to identify the users who are impacted the most.

Next, you need to work to understand these users’ current experience. Design thinking at its core is the process of understanding the situation, recognizing where it can be improved, and then creating a better future for the people involved. This is the concept of moving from as-is to to-be.

Working With Sponsor Users


Sponsor Users are more than just focus groups. See how a team built a relationship with its users and truly co-created for meaningful results.

Recognize your assumptions

Identify how biases affect your work and bring attention to your assumptions.

The airline problem

In the last lesson, you answered some questions about Windsor Airlines gate agents’ current experience. Those answers were assumptions you made based on your own viewpoints. It’s okay to make assumptions, but on their own, they’re a flimsy foundation.

Make assumptions

You are not your users

Constant refinement and validation of assumptions as you learn allow you to paint a clear picture of your users’ true experiences. We’re not Simon, the gate agent. While we may have some similar experiences, we can never fully know firsthand what his life is like. In order to get as close as possible, we have to address our assumptions by learning, observing, and practicing design research.

design research - "the practice of inquiry and discovery that builds knowledge, insight, and empathy for your users"

Getting to Know Your Users

Check out this story about a team that uncovered something new about their users, and how those new insights ultimately changed their solution.


Observe to learn more

See how design research can help you discover the truth.

At its core, design research is very simple. All you have to do is watch and listen.

Observation builds empathy

Dig deeper than a requirement list. Remember: We’re not here to design a “vase.” We’re here to understand someone’s wants and needs, worries and goals, contexts and constraints. Building empathy for users and uncovering their needs will always get you much closer to solving business problems than blindly improving your product or service.

empathy - the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another

Stay curious

As you build your design research skills, it’s important to harness your natural curiosity. Think back to when you were a kid. How often did you ask questions about the world just because you were curious? As children we ask why regularly, and often don’t settle for the first answer. Reignite that unrelenting curiosity as you conduct design research.

As you saw in the previous lessons, asking why helps you understand your users’ real problems, so that you can solve those problems in a meaningful way. Make why your favorite word when you try to learn more.

Try it today

Design research is an advanced skill. When you feel overwhelmed by a complex domain, try some of these methods to learn more:

  1. Next time you review an idea, design, deliverable, etc. ask yourself what the user would think of it. Then go through the 5 Whys activity to dig deeper.
  2. Have questions? Do some desk research (you can learn a lot about a person’s experience on the internet), or interview a stakeholder or subject matter expert to start to get a handle on things before talking to users.
  3. A lot of users will document their experiences and share them online, which can be a great way to observe remotely. Think user-generated videos, review sites, and social media.

A focus on user outcomes summary

Great job! You’ve already started to focus more on your users. Download this handy summary of everything you learned this lesson to refer back to as you work.

Want to read more about focusing on user outcomes? Check out the Framework.

Restless reinvention

Treat everything like a prototype so you can quickly improve solutions

Bias toward action

Learn how viewing everything as a prototype is key to breaking out of the status quo.

The slow and timid enterprise

Your smartphone updates its operating system seamlessly in the background. Your neighborhood café changes its menu seasonally. So why does it take two years for your team to update your users’ experience? Even when you do get to make changes, they’re small and feel like they might be irrelevant.

Modern expectations

“The last best experience that anyone has anywhere, becomes the minimum expectation for the experience they want everywhere.” - Bridget Van Kralingen

Quick and continuous improvement used to be a luxury, a way for companies to differentiate themselves. Today, people expect to see constant updates. You can inform those updates with easily gained knowledge about the people you serve.

"restless reinvention" - a principle of Enterprise Design Thinking that represents active continuous testing and learning in order to improve the solution to a problem


Restless Reinvention: Our Work is Never Done

See how the Principle of restless reinvention encourages you to harness the knowledge you have to continuously improve.

prototype - "a first or early example that is used as a model for what comes later"

Horse-drawn carriage

Self-driving car

If you start looking at everything you make as a work in progress, you can begin to shift your mindset from waiting until something is perfect to waiting until it’s ready. This mode of working enables more regular delivery of value to users.

Consider this: We’re still improving the way we get from Point A to Point B. Yesterday’s horse-drawn carriage was a prototype for today’s automobile. Today’s automobile is just another prototype for tomorrow’s transportation breakthrough. We’re really never done and no solution is ever perfect, but people experiment with how to improve this experience daily all over the world.

Give form to ideas

Everything starts as an idea, but you can’t learn much about an idea without giving it some form.

Visualize your ideas, so that your team and users can understand them clearly. Making doesn’t have to be intricate. It can be as simple as a sketch on a napkin—but it does need to communicate the idea enough for someone else to understand it and give you feedback.

Low stakes, big reward

Take the pressure off yourself. Acknowledge that making something quickly and putting it in front of people is the best way to learn if your ideas suit their needs. You can always toss the piece of paper in a recycling bin. This makes it easier, cheaper, and faster to challenge the status quo with new ideas, and iterate on them until they’re ready for the real world. This way, you can meet your users’ expectations and your market deadlines.

iterate - "to change something existing (an idea, a product, a service, etc.) in small or big ways, gradually, as to improve it"

Try it today

The next time you have a new idea to share with your team, before you tell them about it, draw it on paper. Think about how a diagram or visual representation might convey something that words couldn’t. After all, a picture’s worth 1,000 words.

Actively seek great ideas

Practice coming up with creative ideas and learn how absurdity can accelerate team brainstorming.

Quantity over quality

The most brilliant ideas are found among a multitude of ideas. Don’t limit your brainstorming. Your first few ideas are going to be really obvious, so get them out onto paper first to make room for your more interesting ideas to flow. Don’t stop until you’ve come up with as many as possible, even if you think you have “the answer.”

Stretch your thinking

Ideas are everywhere. You have them everyday. And while there are no bad ideas, some ideas are better than others. Ideating takes practice. Your brain is a muscle (not really, but let’s pretend) that is really good at doing the things it’s done over and over again, but it needs to stretch and strengthen in new ways in order to do new things.

ideating - the practice of coming up with new ideas

Warm up for brainstorming

Before we start coming up with ideas to help the gate agents, let’s do a quick mental warm-up to flex the visual-thinking side of your brain.


Think about Elizabeth

An easy way to help stretch your thinking is to change the context or constraints of your situation or problem.

For example, think of the Windsor Airlines problem you’ve worked with throughout this course. Let’s zoom in on Elizabeth, one of the Windsor Airlines gate agents. You’ve already uncovered a little bit about her: she deals with requests from angry customers, in a loud and busy environment, all while trying to determine who will be added to a given flight itinerary in a matter of minutes.

Let’s talk absurdity

Obviously there aren’t any airports on the moon (yet), so the last idea you came up with isn’t directly useful to Elizabeth, the gate agent. However, just creating that idea or sharing it with others will likely spark new thinking. Prompts like “...on the moon” automatically trigger non-obvious ideas. And that’s how you get to something no one else does yet.

In order to solve problems in new and competitive ways, we need some brilliant ideas. How do we have brilliant ideas? By leaning into the absurd.

“If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” - Albert Einstein

The Idea Curve

Dev Patnaik: From The Ebb and Flow of Ideas, a Product Development - Best Practices Report

Over the course of time, ideas ebb and flow. They’ll start as boring and move between absurd and brilliant. The more absurd the idea, the more likely it will spawn a brilliant one. So when ideating gets stale or hard, try a strange or silly prompt.

Try it today

Next time you’re stuck in a rut of stale ideas, come up with a silly prompt to kick-start your brainstorming. Try thinking of your users’ problem in a different context, like “without modern technology,” or “in the year 3019.”

Take risks

See how incremental changes mitigate risk.

Let’s talk about failure

Failure gets a bad rap. It’s something many people fight to avoid at all costs. In fact, some people are so afraid of failure that they never take any risks at all. But in order to make great things and find answers to the most complex problems, we have to take small, more manageable risks (which sometimes result in failure).

Think about scientists. They constantly rely on failure to disprove hypotheses and come up with their next theory. They test and disprove, then test again and disprove. It’s a series of small failures that lead them closer and closer to the truth.

Failing as opportunity

Design thinking works in the same way. As you fail quickly and cheaply, you get closer and closer to the best solutions. In fact, if you’re not failing, you’re probably not doing anything interesting. When you recognize that it’s okay to be wrong, you open yourself up to new possibilities and better ideas.


How did that failure affect you?

What did you learn from it?

What did you do to avoid that same failure in the future?

How To Fail Fast And Cheap


See how a team used failure to their advantage.

Reflect on your own work

What could you make and test quickly and cheaply?

How would you make it?

How would you measure its success or failure?

Restless reinvention summary

Great job! You’ve already started to restlessly reinvent. Download this handy summary of everything you learned this lesson to refer back to as you work.

Diverse Empowered Teams

Collaborate better across perspectives and expertise to act on breakthrough ideas.

Include a variety of voices

See how diverse perspectives can elevate the quality of your work.

Break the silos

Enterprise companies work in complex domains with wide networks of users, stakeholders, technologies, and contexts. The value of diverse perspectives becomes even greater as your problem space gets more complex. If you work in silos—entirely separate from other roles—a single viewpoint will limit the output of your work.

Solving problems is a team sport. Enterprise Design Thinking asks that you collaborate as a whole team to get the job done.

collaborate - "to work collectively toward a shared goal with an open mind to the ideas of others"

The multiplied effect of teams

All the practices we’ve explored so far—design research, observing users, brainstorming, and ideating—are amplified when you do them as a Diverse Empowered Team.

Diverse teams have varied perspectives, skills, and backgrounds. They build upon each other’s ideas, enrich each other’s knowledge, and challenge each other’s assumptions in ways that accelerate the work.

Empowered teams have the agency to make everyday operational decisions on their own. They’re equipped with the expertise and authority to deliver outcomes.

Diverse Empowered Teams - "an Enterprise Design Thinking Principle that represents that a group of people with varied perspectives more successfully make decisions together and work toward shared goals"

Ideas amplified

Think back to your ideas to improve Elizabeth’s experience as a gate agent. On your own, you came up with some interesting thoughts, but let’s take a look at other ideas from people taking this course.

You might see some ideas similar to yours, and others that didn’t cross your mind. Are you inspired to update your own ideas based on what you see now? This is the value of Diverse Empowered Teams: coming to meaningful breakthroughs by seeing a problem from a different point of view.

Collaboration in Action

Watch a Diverse Empowered Team work together to take on everyday challenges.


Evaluate your team

Pause and reflect on your own team’s diversity. Remember to consider different types of diversity, such as skill sets, backgrounds, cultures, genders, and more.

What diverse points of view do you have on your team?

What perspectives are missing from your team that could improve your process and outcomes?

Build alignment across your team

See the value of alignment and get some tips to try in your next meeting.

Overcome diversity pitfalls

While inclusion of many voices builds strong ideas, it also increases chances of misunderstanding and conflict. These pitfalls can be detrimental if they aren’t addressed properly. Diverse teams are most successful when they can bring their different viewpoints together and find alignment.

alignment - "a state of agreement and understanding on a group decision that includes follow-through on that decision"

Identify if you’re aligned

Sometimes you assume you’re aligned when you’re not. Teams break out into solo work and end up duplicating efforts, or delivering things that aren’t useful.

Alternatively, teams might belabor a conversation when an agreement has already been reached, and get stuck spinning in circles. In order to break free from these business-as-usual problems, you first must recognize them.

Reflect on your own work

What is one thing you’re working on that your team might not know about?

Is there something your team has reached agreement on, but the work hasn’t progressed?

Try it today

How’s your work calendar looking? Full of meetings? Many meetings lack productive outcomes. Maybe you’ve been there: an hour of talking ends in the same place it started or a contentious 30 minutes leaves everyone feeling frustrated. Instead, take these as opportunities to start aligning your team.

  1. Next time you’re in a meeting where the conversation spins in circles, ask everyone to grab something to write with, visualize their thoughts, and then take turns sharing.
  2. Next time you’re in a meeting where only one or two people share their opinion, hold a silent and anonymous voting session to expose everyone’s viewpoints.

Start sharing stories

Learn how to share your work in progress.

How things stick

One way to drive healthy collaboration and alignment amongst your diverse team is through storytelling. Good storytelling is the reason kids remember Luke Skywalker and Elsa, but forget what they did after school yesterday. The same rules apply to your work. Playbacks are opportunities to tell memorable, human-centered stories that share ideas, prototypes, strategies, and more.

Playbacks - "an Enterprise Design Thinking Key, story-based presentations that bring stakeholders and whole teams together in a safe space to exchange feedback"

Build Playbacks into your workflow

There are a few specific moments where everyone on the team needs to be aligned:

  1. Starting a new project or initiative. Answer questions like: Who will be the users and stakeholders? What experience are we trying to improve and why?
  2. Deciding as a team on a future experience for your users. Answer questions like: What do we think our users need to be successful? How are we going to serve those needs?
  3. Reviewing progress as you deliver. Answer questions like: Do we successfully deliver value to our users? Are we still aligned as a team?

Teams who share their goals by talking about a user and their needs, and invite feedback along the way, are more likely to understand and deliver on those goals together over time.

Different Types of Playbacks


See how different Playbacks look and feel depending on your desired outcome—from quick and casual to formal and prepared.

Let’s try it out

Think about our Windsor Airlines problem. You’ve worked on it throughout this course, so let’s put those pieces together into a story you could share with your team—or in theory, Windsor Airlines stakeholders.

Start with why you’ve been working on this, in other words: the business problem.

Windsor Airline’s consistent flight delays are hurting the company’s bottom line.

Now, build out the story.

  1. Who is the hero of your story? Hint: This is the user.
  2. What is their current struggle today? What problems do they face?
  3. What’s one idea you have to solve their problem?
  4. How would that idea improve the user’s experience?

Diverse Empowered Teams summary

Great job! You’ve already started to consider the makeup of your team and how you can all stay aligned. Download this handy summary of everything you learned in this lesson to refer back to as you work.

Make a plan

Set yourself up for continued success with Enterprise Design Thinking.

What about tomorrow?

Learn more about problem statements and craft one to frame your own work in terms of user outcomes.

So, what’s next?

You’ve learned about the core concepts and practices of Enterprise Design Thinking throughout this course, but tomorrow you’ll be confronted with “business as usual.” Your daily habits are really hard to break—like checking your email and going to meetings without sharing your great ideas. You might even revert back to a focus on your own problems instead of your users’.

But, that’s not the plan for you.

You’ll stop designing “vases.”

You’re going to start applying Enterprise Design Thinking to your everyday work.

Define your problem

Your first step to practicing Enterprise Design Thinking is to refocus your work as a user-centered problem.

“A problem well-stated is a problem half-solved.” - Charles F. Kettering

Put another way, the first step to answering the question is knowing what questions to ask. In design thinking, to solve for an actual need that exists in the world, you must take the time to write clear problem statements around your intent: What problem are you solving, for whom, and why?

Business problems to human problems

Remember the 5 Whys activity that took us from a business problem to a human problem? Of course, you do! Try it now with your own work to redefine your problem space through the eyes of the people you serve.

What business problem are you trying to solve?

Why might that be?

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? (5 Why?)

Problem statements

Problem statements help us answer the question: “Where do we start?”

They put the user front and center, and align everyone around a clear issue to solve. However, they don’t dictate implementation or a specific solution. Problem statements are often the seeds of Hills.

Here’s one formula for problem statements:

Hills - a Key of Enterprise Design Thinking, a human-focused mission statement that describes a future enablement for a specific user

How To Write A Great Problem Statement


Learn how to craft a sentence that frames your users’ current pain points.

Use the Principles

  • A focus on user outcomes: Problem statements should always include a user and their current problem—not yours.
  • Restless reinvention: Problem statements should be flexible and iterative as you learn more about your users and their current state.
  • Diverse Empowered Teams: Problem statements should be written with all members of your team who bring relevant expertise.

Try writing your own

Take the problem you came up with after the 5 Whys exercise and reword it as a problem statement.

  • What problem do your users have today?

Is this problem statement written about your users (aka: the people who use your product or service)?

  • Update your statement as needed.

Does this problem include a solution or pre-determined implementation?

  • Update your statement as needed.

That’s one fine looking problem statement!

Notice how your problem statement has evolved to focus on a particular user and their pain point.

Now, do something with it

You can go many places from here.

Use your problem statement:

  • as a source of research questions you want to answer
  • as a prompt for brainstorming ideas for solutions
  • as a discussion point for your whole team to align around a shared goal

Make a plan

Make it official. 

How will you use your problem statement after this course?

Reach out to people on your team who are interested in design thinking, or have some experience with it already. Schedule time this week to work with them on your plan.

Put it all together

Wrap up the whole package of Enterprise Design Thinking and test your understanding.