To access CheckPad, in your web browser go to the CheckPad login page. User enter username/password then click on "Login"
Forget password
If user forget password, please click on "Forget Password?" link
- Case 1: if user enter correct information, system send successful message and send pass word to entered email
- Case 2: if user enter incorrect information, system displays warning message so user can re-enter information or contact with Administrator
Reset password in first login
User have to change password in first login. User enter information in required fields then click on "Change Password"
If this function is NOT configured in buidling study, user don't need to change password in first login. User go to "Change Study/Site" page directly
Update "User Profile"
User can update user's profile" when click on "My Profile" as below image.Update screen is shown
Then press on "Confirm Profile Changes" to save changes
Select Site/Study
After loging in successfully, system allows user to select site/Study
After selecting Site/Study, user go to Homepage according to user's role
To logout, user make step as below image