[QA-QC] API Testing

[QA-QC] API Testing

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Bài tập


Test Description


Expected Result

Actual Result


Username Field

Test create a new user successfully

  1. Enter Username = a non-existed user in Database

  2. Enter both Password and Confirm Password are same

  3. Enter Fullname = character

  4. Enter an valid Email

  5. Click on Send button

    The system displays:
    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Create successfully",
    "data": {
        "userId": "userID",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "password",
        "fullName": "FullName",
        "email": "email@gmail.com",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "mustNotChangeFlag": false
    "statusCode": 200



Test duplicated Username

  1. Enter a existed Username in DB

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: Username existed



  1. Enter “spaces” in the first and last of the existed user in Database

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: Username existed



Test empty Username

  1. Enter Usernamr = empty

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Username field is required



  1. Enter Username = All spaces

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Username field is required



Test valid maxlength 

  1. Enter Username = 20 characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

    The system displays:
    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Create successfully",
    "data": {
        "userId": "userID",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "password",
        "fullName": "FullName",
        "email": "email@gmail.com",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "mustNotChangeFlag": false
    "statusCode": 200



Test invalid maxlength

  1. Enter Username = 21 characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Username field must be a string with a minimum length of 4 and a maximum length of 20.



Test valid minlength

  1. Enter Username = 4 characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

    The system displays:
    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Create successfully",
    "data": {
        "userId": "userID",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "password",
        "fullName": "FullName",
        "email": "email@gmail.com",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "mustNotChangeFlag": false
    "statusCode": 200



Test invalid minlength

  1. Enter Username = 3 characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Username field must be a string with a minimum length of 4 and a maximum length of 20.



Test trimming of space

  1. Enter “spaces” in the first and last of the entered Username

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

    The system displays:
    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Create successfully",
    "data": {
        "userId": "userID",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "password",
        "fullName": "FullName",
        "email": "email@gmail.com",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "mustNotChangeFlag": false
    "statusCode": 200



Test Username is Vietnamese

  1. Enter Username is Vietnamese

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The field Username is invalid



Password Field

Test valid password

  1. Enter both Password and ConfirmPassword are same

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

    The system displays:
    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Create successfully",
    "data": {
        "userId": "userID",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "password",
        "fullName": "FullName",
        "email": "email@gmail.com",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "mustNotChangeFlag": false
    "statusCode": 200



Test invalid password

  1. Enter both Password and Confirm Password are not same

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: 'ConfirmPassword' and 'Password' do not match.



Test empty password

  1. Enter Password = empty

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Password field is required



  1. Enter Password = all spaces

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Password field is required



Test valid maxlength 

  1. Enter Username = 20 characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

    The system displays:
    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Create successfully",
    "data": {
        "userId": "userID",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "password",
        "fullName": "FullName",
        "email": "email@gmail.com",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "mustNotChangeFlag": false
    "statusCode": 200



Test invalid maxlength

  1. Enter Username = 21 characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Password field must be a string with a minimum length of 6 and a maximum length of 20



Test valid minlength

  1. Enter Username = 6 characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

    The system displays:
    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Create successfully",
    "data": {
        "userId": "userID",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "password",
        "fullName": "FullName",
        "email": "email@gmail.com",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "mustNotChangeFlag": false
    "statusCode": 200



Test invalid minlength

  1. Enter Username = 5 characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Password field must be a string with a minimum length of 6 and a maximum length of 20



Test empty confirm password

  1. Enter ConfirmPassword = empty

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The ConfirmPassword field is required



  1. Enter ConfirmPassword = all spaces

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The ConfirmPassword field is required



FullName field

Test valid FullName

  1. Enter FullName = characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

    The system displays:
    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Create successfully",
    "data": {
        "userId": "userID",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "password",
        "fullName": "FullName",
        "email": "email@gmail.com",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "mustNotChangeFlag": false
    "statusCode": 200



Test empty FullName

  1. Enter FullName = empty

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The FullName field is required



  1. Enter FullName = all spaces

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The FullName field is required



Test valid maxlength 

  1. Enter FullName = 50 characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

    The system displays:
    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Create successfully",
    "data": {
        "userId": "userID",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "password",
        "fullName": "FullName",
        "email": "email@gmail.com",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "mustNotChangeFlag": false
    "statusCode": 200



Test invalid maxlength

  1. Enter FullName = 51 characters

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The FullName field must be a string with a maximum length of 50.



Test trimming of space

  1. Enter “spaces” in the first and last of the entered FullName

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

    The system displays:
    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Create successfully",
    "data": {
        "userId": "userID",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "confirmPassword": "password",
        "fullName": "FullName",
        "email": "email@gmail.com",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "mustNotChangeFlag": false
    "statusCode": 200



Email Field

Test valid Email

  1. Enter an correct format Email

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

The System display

"isSuccess": true,
"message": "Create successfully",
"data": {
"userId": "userID",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"confirmPassword": "password",
"fullName": "FullName",
"email": "email@gmail.com",
"activeFlag": true,
"mustNotChangeFlag": false
"statusCode": 200



Test invalid Email

  1. Enter an Email without/ missing @

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Email field is not a valid e-mail address.



  1. Enter an Email without/ missing dot (.)

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Email field is not a valid e-mail address.



  1. Enter an Email without/ missing domain

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

Status = 400

  • Message: The Email field is not a valid e-mail address.



  1. Enter an Email name = special chars (!@#$%^&*():"'?/><{}

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

Status = 400

  • Message: The Email field is not a valid e-mail address.



  1. Enter an Email name is Vietnamese

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

Status = 400

  • Message: The Email field is not a valid e-mail address.



  1. Enter an Email name has middle space

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

Status = 400

  • Message: The Email field is not a valid e-mail address.



Test empty Email

  1. Enter Email = Empty

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Email field is required



  1. Enter Email = all spaces

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: The Email field is required



Test duplicate Email

  1. Enter an Email existed in DB

  2. Enter the valid data for the remain fields

  3. Click on Send button

  • Status = 400

  • Message: Email existed



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