Rule Designer

To access this function: from the main menu select Build Study > Create Rule > "Rule Designer" Icon

The Rule Designer Page has 3 parts: 

  • The column on the left allows users to View CRF, View CRF by Version, View CRF. This part allows users to drag items from CRF into Rule
  • The middle sections allows user to create rules
  • The column on the right allows users to view information of tiems

Left Column: View CRF, View CRF by Version, View CRF in Event

Part 1: User click on "View by CRF". The system will display all CRFs and items inside that CRFs of the current study. If the user wants to view CRFs by OID name, user ticks the checkbox on the right corner.

Part 2: After user click on "View by CRF Version", the system will display all versions CRF in the current study. If user wants to view CRF by OID name, click on checkbox in the right corner.

Part 3: After user clicks on 'View by Visit', the system will display all versions CRF in the current study. If user wants to view CRF by OID name, click on checkbox in the right corner.

Middle section: Create rule

Target: The user drags and drops Item OID from the left, which is a very convenient feature of Rule Designer. In this event, the user has 3 options: 

  • drag and drop an OID item from 1 CRF
  • drag and drop an OID item from 1 Version of a 1 CRF
  • drag and drop an OID item from 1 CRF in a visit

Rule OID: this is the unique name for this rule. OID must have only capital letters or "_"

Expression: user can create expressions for items. The system provides useful symbols for creating expressions.

eq    Equal to=
neNot Equal to       
gtGreater Than>
gteGreater Than or Equal to          >=
ltLess Than<=
lteLess Than or Equal to<=

Choose Action for Rule, choose type of Action by clicking the "Actions" dropdown

  • Email action: User needs to fill in the email field to notify when item does not pass an edit check. Furthermore, user needs to specify the mode where the action runs: "Admin Data Entry" when CRF has completed as status then data was changed, "initial data entry" when data is being entered, "Batch" when running the rule. 

  • Discrepancy Note Action: the system creates a discrepancy note if an item does not pass Edit check. The content of the discrepancy note is in the "Message" field. Furthermore, user needs to specify when the DN will be displayed: "Admin Data Entry" when CRF has completed as status then data was changed, "initial data entry" when data is being entered, "Batch" when running the rule. 

  • Show Action: is used to display the item of a CRF or a Group which was hidden before. Show Action must be accompanied by Hide Action in a rule. Show Action will not work without Hide Action; these two actions must have the same rule OID. In Show Action, the Destination Property will appear when user clicks on . This is the OID of an item or a group that appears when the action is triggered. 

  • Hide Action: used to hide the item of a CRF or a Group which was displayed before. Hide Action must be accompanied by Show action in a Rule. Hide Action will not work without Show Action; these two actions must have the same rule OID. In Hide Action, the Destination Property will appear when user clicks on . This is the OID of an item or a group that disappears when the action is triggered. 

  • Insert Action
    • Used to insert data into item of CRF
    • Click on the  symbol so the system displays DestinationProperty OID. In DestinationProperty OID includes: DestinationProperty OID, Value: static value that the system inserts into the DestinationProperty OID, Value Expression: allow users to calculate new values or copy value from another field
    • Insert Action cannot work simultaneously with Event Action

  • Event Action: Used to schedule in the future. To schedule a visit in a future, the user needs to have the start date of its preceding visitTo create a rule for Event Action, user must set the Target Event Destination and Value Expression and Runon Status.

To schedule based on First visit:

  • Only one target (trigger) in this option and the rule will point the trigger to this target
  • If STARTDATE is modified, this rule will not update future visits

To schedule based on Current visit: 

  • There are multiple targets in this option and the rule will be triggered on any target
  • If STARTDATE is modified, this rule will update all related future visits

To schedule based on the status of current visit: This scheduling method will not display the next visit right after STARTDATE is filled. 

Right Column: View item information

There are 2 methods to view item information:

Method 1: User can click on the item on the left column → The system will display item information in the right column in the "Item metadata" tab

Method 2: User can find information on the item by selecting the "OID" item then click on <> →  The system will display item information in the right column in the "Item metadata" tab

Validate Rule

The user can validate a rule by clicking on "Validate". The system will notify the user if the rule is not correct.

Test Rule

The user can Test Rule that they have created by clicking the "Test" tab. 

User can select values trigger actions for that item. A rule cannot be tested if it has not been validated.