Lock or Freeze Data

Read more on Editable Status here.


Lock and Freeze Data is a functionality used to prevent users from changing or interacting with the data once data has reached a certain status. 

Lock, Freeze, and Enable Editing

Lock, Freeze and Enable Editing are actions to toggle the Editable status of data

  • Freeze: Change Editable Status of visit CRFs to Frozen
  • Lock: Change Editable Status of visit CRFs to Locked
  • Enable Editing: Change Editable Status of visit CRFs to Editable to interact with the data.

Below is a comparison table of the 3 actions: 

Enable Editing
Freeze Data
Lock Data
EffectChange Editable Status of visit CRFs to Editable to interact with the data.Updating forms' data is not allowedUpdating form's data and taking actions such as changing SDV status, Signed status are not allowed
ConditionLocked or Frozen visit CRFs

Skipped or Completed Visit CRFs

(Data Entry has been Completed)

Signed CRF. (we encourage users to only lock data after verification)

Automatically enabledNo

Can configure Checkpad to automatically freeze data after verification

Can configure Checkpad to automatically lock data after signing
User role required

To enable editing for frozen data: monitor, data_specialist / investigator, data manager, study director.

To enable editing for locked data:  data manager, study director.

monitor, data_specialist / investigator, data manager, study director

To freeze locked visit CRFs user must have data manager or study director roles

data manager, study director

User can lock or freeze a visit (all visit CRFS must qualify for locking or freezing). This action in fact locks or freezes all visit CRFs in that visit. The status of these visit CRFs make up the status of the visit. 

Manually Freeze the data

Freeze data for visit CRF

  1. Access Enter Data page
  2. Select eligible visit CRF
  3. Choose 'Freeze'
  4. Choose 'Yes' to confirm

Upon completion, visit CRF is in View Mode. Data cannot be updated.

Freeze data for visit

  1. Access Enter Data page
  2. Select eligible visit
  3. Choose 'Freeze'
  4. Choose 'Yes' to confirm

Upon completion, all visit CRFs in visit is in View Mode. Data cannot be updated.

Manually Lock Data

Lock data for visit CRF

  1. Access Enter Data page
  2. Select eligible visit CRF
  3. Choose 'Lock'
  4. Choose 'Yes' to confirm

Upon completion, visit CRF is in View Mode. Other actions such as updating, verifying or removing verification, ... are not allowed.

Lock data for visit

  1. Access Enter Data page
  2. Select eligible visit
  3. Choose 'Lock'
  4. Choose 'Yes' to confirm

Upon completion, visit CRFs in visits are in View Mode. Other actions such as updating, verifying or removing verification, ... are not allowed.

Manually enable editing

Enable editing for visit CRF

  1. Access Enter Data page
  2. Select locked or frozen visit CRF
  3. Choose 'Lock'
  4. Choose 'Yes' to confirm

Upon completion, visit CRFs in visits are in Edit Mode. Other actions such as updating, verifying or removing verification, ... are allowed.

Enable editing for visit 

  1. Access Enter Data page
  2. Select locked or frozen visit
  3. Choose 'Lock'
  4. Choose 'Yes' to confirm

Upon completion, visit CRFs in visits are in Edit Mode. Other actions such as updating, verifying or removing verification, ... are allowed.

Lock/Freeze/Enable Editing in batch in Enter Data

User can Lock/Freeze/Enable Editing in batch in Enter Data

Configure automatic Lock/Freeze

In Study Configuration, user can configure the system to automatically Lock/Freeze data

  • Can configure Checkpad to automatically freeze data after verification
  • Can configure Checkpad to automatically lock data after signing