Source Data Validation
Read more on SDV status here.
Source Data Validation (SDV) is the process in which user with monitor rights evaluate data entry results and whether data entry is accurate.
Visit CRF is the smallest unit which can have SDV status.
Conditions to verify a CRF depends on visit CRF:
- SDV configuration of that visit CRF in visit definition must be 100% Required, Partial Required or Not Required, not Not Applicable
- Visit must have 'Not verified' as status
- Data entry status must be Completed or Skipped, not Locked
- No DN query or Failed Validation Check (recommended not required)
We encourage users to conduct SDV before signing the data
Verify data from Enter Data Page
From Enter Data Page, user with monitor rights can perform SDV for visit CRFs and visits
Verify visit CRF
- Select CRF for SDV (user will be redirect to the visit CF dialogue to view inputted data)
- Choose 'Verify' on the action bar
Once completed, the verified icon will appear on the status icon of visit CRF
Verify visit
- Select visit whose visit CRFs qualifies for verification
- Choose Verify on action bar
Once completed, the verified icon will appear on the status icon of that visit and visit CRFs.
Verify in batch in Enter Data Screen
User can verify visit CRFs or visit in batch via Batch Action in Enter Data page
Verify data from Source Data Validation Screen
SDV Screen summarizes all visit CRFs and subjects for verification
Change SDV Mode: Switch between visit CRFs or study subjects for SDV
Pagination: Pagination and navigation of search results
Filter: Used to filter information by criteria
SDV Table: Table with subjects on which SDV can be performed
- With SDV by visit CRF, each row represents visit CRF's information as SDV status, study subject, visit, visit CRF and actions button
- With SDV by visit CRF, each row represents each subject and their information
Verify data in View by Visit CRF Mode
In 'View by Visit CRF' user can verify visit CRFs.
Verify each visit CRFs
- Select () corresponding to each target visit CRF
Verify multiple visit CRFs
- Select visits CRFs
- Select SDV All Checked
SDV data by study subject
This allows SDV of study subject whose visit CRFs qualify for verification
Verify each study subject
- Select () corresponding to each target study subject
After completion, all qualified visit CRF of study subject will have SDV status as 'Verified'.
Verify multiple visit CRFs
- Select study subjects
- Select SDV All Checked
After completion, all qualified visit CRF of study subjects will have SDV status as 'Verified'.
Automatic removal of SDV upon change of data
Updates to data causes the SDV status of visit CRFs and visit will be removed. Visit CRFs and visits will return to 'Not Verified' status to ensure data quality.
Actions leading to removal of SDV status includes:
- Edit data of a visit CRFs
- Re-enter data for a skipped visit CRF
- Recover visit CRFs, visit or study subject