Response Sets [ENG]

Response Sets [ENG]

Response Sets are objects used to set values pair with the value - text format for selection-type items such as radio, single select, multiple select, checkbox.

Some characteristics of response set

A response set consists of many value - text pairs: 

  • value corresponds to the value selected by user and stored in the database
  • text corresponds to the displayed text for user to select
  • example: 
    • A response set for a question on gender consists of two options: Male or Female
    • This response set consists of two value - text: (1 - Male, 2 - Female)
    • In a selection with radio type, user sees two options: Male or Female
    • When inputting data, the item will be stored as "1" if user selected "Male", and "2" if the user selected "Female

These response sets can be used for many items on multiple CRF versions. If a response set is used on multiple CRF versions, changing it will cause changes to call subjects using this response set.

For response sets in use for data entry in items, user can only change the 'text' field in a value - text pair. 

Data Fields of Response Set

Field NameRequiredDescriptionUpdate CapabilityValue typeInput ValidationDefault Value
Label(tick)Response set nameCannot be updated if response set is savedText
  • Must not match other response set in the same CRF Version
  • Maximum 100 characters

Value(tick)Value of option to be stored in databaseCannot be updated if response set is savedText
  • Must not match other response set in the same CRF Version
  • Maximum 100 characters

Text(tick)Display text corresponding to valueUnlimitedText
  • Maximum 100 characters

Screens to create or edit Response Set in CRF Version

Manage response sets in a CRF through CRF Editor

List of response sets

List of response sets in CRF Version Editor interface

Create a new response set

Click on "new" to create a new response set

Click on [+] to create new value-text pairs

Editing Response Set

Click on "Edit" on Response Set List to edit response set

With saved Response Sets with CRF versions, values cannot be edited or removed but can add value - text pairs

Create new and use response sets quickly when selecting response set in Item Editor

Can create response set directly from Item Editor

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