9.1 Freeze a CRF/Visit Manually

9.1 Freeze a CRF/Visit Manually

The system allows you to freeze CRFs which has Completed and Skipped statuses

After you Freeze a CRF/Visit:

  1. You cannot edit or add more data into a CRF
  2. You can:
    • Work with Note and Discrepancy
    • Verify data
    • Sign data
    • Remove CRF

Note: Only data managers can change a Locked CRF into a Frozen CRF

Freeze a CRF Manually

Go to a CRF which is Completed or Skipped and does not have a Frozen status → The system displays a Freeze button.

After you click on Freeze, the status of the CRF is changed to Frozen ()
When all CRFs in the Visit are Frozen, the system automatically changes the status of the Visit to Frozen ()

Freeze a Visit Manually

Go to a Visit which is Completed or Skipped and does not have a Frozen status → The system displays a Freeze button.

After you click on Freeze, the status of the Visit is changed to Frozen () and all CRFs in this Visit have Frozen statuses ().

Note: If all CRFs in a Visit have both Frozen and Locked statuses, the status of the Visit is Frozen