14.2 How DN Works

14.2 How DN Works

A Discrepancy Note (DN) which belongs to Query and Failed to Validation Check types are created through the following process:

  • Create a DN → the status is New ()
  • Answer the DN → the status is Resolution Propose()
  • Need more information→ Update DN the status is Updated ()
  • Satisfy with resolution → Close DN → the status is Closed ()

A DN which has belongs to Reason for Change and Annotation types only has an Not Applicable status.

Create a DN 

Create a DN manually

Step 1: Click on 

The system displays a DN pop-up.

Step 2: On the DN screen: 

    • Select Note Type and Status (14.1 Define and Classify Query)
    • Enter data for the fields: 
      • Description: a short description about the DN
      • Detailed Note: details of DN 
    • For Query type, you can assign a Query and send an email to the recepient  
    • Click on Submit → The system changes the  icon into the status icon that you have just created.

You can create more than one DN for one item in a CRF

Step 1: Go to desired Item, click on the DN icon (the existing DN for that Item)

Step 2: In the DN pop-up, click on Begin New Thread

Step 3: Enter data as described above.

The system automatically generates a DN

  • When a CRF is marked complete and you make a change to an Item in it, the system automatically creates a Reason for Change Discrepancy Note for you to fill out, if the Study Parameters Configuratrion setting for Forced Reason for Change in Administrative Editing is marked Yes.
  • When you enter data into a CRF, if you do not provide a value for a required field and click Save, CheckPad prompts you to provide a value. You must either provide the missed value or click the flag next to the Item to create a [Missing data in a required field.] Discrepancy Note.
  • When you enter data into a CRF, if you provide incorrect value which is not comply with edit checks → the system shows a warning message for you. If you keep this error and click on Save again → the system automactically generates a Failed to Validation Check query. 

Answer a DN

Step 1: Click on the icon () or () in an Item

Step 2: The system displays a DN pop-up. Click on Propose Resolution to answer.

Step 3: After entering data, click on Submit to save and send your answer.

Update and Close functions can be performed with the same steps.

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