Icon System

Icon System

Visit Icon

The status icon of a visit contains 3 components:

Main Icon

Main icon shows the general status of the data, data entry status and signing status


Not Scheduled: Visit has not been scheduled
Scheduled: Visit has been scheduled but no CRFs has been filled
Data Entry Started: Data is being entered into the visit

Completed: Data Entry for the Visit has been completed
Skipped: Visit was skipped if there is no data from the visit
Removed: Visit has been removed
Auto removed: visit bị loại bỏ tự động do đối tượng (subject) của lần thăm khám đó bị loại bỏ

Signed: A signed visit has one of the following status

  • Signed visit with data entry completed - Green
  • Signed visit which has been skipped - Purple
  • Signed visit which has been removed - Red

Types of discrepancy notes in a visit

If a visit has discrepancy notes to be resolved, the following icons corresponding to the type of discrepancy notes will appear to the left of the main icon:

Visit contains discrepancy notes with 'New' as status

Visit contains discrepancy notes with 'Update' as status
Visit contains discrepancy notes with 'Resolution Proposed' as status

Verification status of a visit

Once a visit has been verified, the verification icon will appear.


Visit CRFs for which verification is required has not been verified
All visit CRFs for which verification is required has been verified

Locked or frozen status of visit


Visit CRFs in a visit can be updated 

Visit CRFs cannot have data entered into them

No actions such as data entry, verification, or signing, may be taken for a visit CRFs

Visit CRF Icon

The main icon shows the general status of the data, data entry status and signing status


Not Started: data entry has not been started for visit CRF
Data Entry Started: data entry started to visit CRF

Completed: data entry completed for visit CRF
Skipped: visit CRF has no data and has been skipped
Removed: visit CRF has been removed

Auto removed: visit or subject has been automatically removed

Signed: completed, skipped or removed visit CRFs has been signed

Types of discrepancy notes in a visit

If a visit CRF has discrepancy notes to be resolved, the following icons corresponding to the type of discrepancy notes will appear to the left of the main icon:

Visit CRF contains discrepancy notes with 'New' as status

Visit CRF contains discrepancy notes with 'Update' as status
Visit CRF contains discrepancy notes with 'Resolution Proposed' as status

Verification status of a visit CRF

Once a visit has been verified, the verification icon will appear.


Visit CRF has not been verified
Visit CRF has been verified

Locked or frozen status of visit CRF


Visit CRF can be updated 

Visit CRF cannot have data entered 

No actions such as data entry, verification, or signing, may be taken for visit CRF

Icon Discrepancy Notes

No Discrepancy Notes

Contains discrepancy notes with 'New' as status
Contains discrepancy notes with 'Resolution Proposed' as status
contains discrepancy notes with 'Update' as status
Contains discrepancy notes with 'Resolution Updated' as status
Contains discrepancy notes with 'Not Applicable' as status

Action Icons



Run rule
Rule Design
Set User Role
Remove User Role
Clear Filter

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