Icon System
Visit Icon
The status icon of a visit contains 3 components:
Main Icon
Main icon shows the general status of the data, data entry status and signing status
Icon | Meaning |
Not Scheduled: Visit has not been scheduled | |
Scheduled: Visit has been scheduled but no CRFs has been filled | |
Data Entry Started: Data is being entered into the visit | |
Completed: Data Entry for the Visit has been completed | |
Skipped: Visit was skipped if there is no data from the visit | |
Removed: Visit has been removed | |
Auto removed: visit bị loại bỏ tự động do đối tượng (subject) của lần thăm khám đó bị loại bỏ | |
Signed: A signed visit has one of the following status
Types of discrepancy notes in a visit
If a visit has discrepancy notes to be resolved, the following icons corresponding to the type of discrepancy notes will appear to the left of the main icon:
Icon | Meaning |
Visit contains discrepancy notes with 'New' as status | |
Visit contains discrepancy notes with 'Update' as status | |
Visit contains discrepancy notes with 'Resolution Proposed' as status |
Verification status of a visit
Once a visit has been verified, the verification icon will appear.
Icon | Meaning |
Visit CRFs for which verification is required has not been verified | |
All visit CRFs for which verification is required has been verified |
Locked or frozen status of visit
Icon | Meaning |
Visit CRFs in a visit can be updated | |
Visit CRFs cannot have data entered into them | |
No actions such as data entry, verification, or signing, may be taken for a visit CRFs |
Visit CRF Icon
The main icon shows the general status of the data, data entry status and signing status
Icon | Meaning |
Not Started: data entry has not been started for visit CRF | |
Data Entry Started: data entry started to visit CRF | |
Completed: data entry completed for visit CRF | |
Skipped: visit CRF has no data and has been skipped | |
Removed: visit CRF has been removed | |
Auto removed: visit or subject has been automatically removed | |
Signed: completed, skipped or removed visit CRFs has been signed |
Types of discrepancy notes in a visit
If a visit CRF has discrepancy notes to be resolved, the following icons corresponding to the type of discrepancy notes will appear to the left of the main icon:
Icon | Meaning |
Visit CRF contains discrepancy notes with 'New' as status | |
Visit CRF contains discrepancy notes with 'Update' as status | |
Visit CRF contains discrepancy notes with 'Resolution Proposed' as status |
Verification status of a visit CRF
Once a visit has been verified, the verification icon will appear.
Icon | Meaning |
Visit CRF has not been verified | |
Visit CRF has been verified |
Locked or frozen status of visit CRF
Icon | Meaning |
Visit CRF can be updated | |
Visit CRF cannot have data entered | |
No actions such as data entry, verification, or signing, may be taken for visit CRF |
Icon Discrepancy Notes
Icon | Meaning |
No Discrepancy Notes | |
Contains discrepancy notes with 'New' as status | |
Contains discrepancy notes with 'Resolution Proposed' as status | |
contains discrepancy notes with 'Update' as status | |
Contains discrepancy notes with 'Resolution Updated' as status | |
Contains discrepancy notes with 'Not Applicable' as status |
Action Icons
Icon | Meaning |
Remove | |
Restore | |
Delete | |
Run rule | |
Add | |
Rule Design | |
Download | |
Reassign | |
Lock | |
Unlock | |
Set User Role | |
Remove User Role | |
Filter | |
Clear Filter | |
Edit |