Enter Data
Enter Data Page integrates most of the functionalities performable on a study subject such as viewing, entering, validating, signing.
Since the Enter Data page integrates multiple functionalities, the page itself is made up of multiple dialogues with a coherent layout.
Enter Data Page consists of 3 main components:
- Navigation: Navigation Block is responsible for navigating among subjects, visits, scheduling visits, or batch actions
- Page Content: The main cntent of the page such as subject, visit, visit CRF based on navigation results
- Action Bar: Applicable actions on displayed objects
Navigation block is responsible for main navigation in the Enter Data Page. Within the Navigation block, there are many smaller functionality blocks.
Subject label
- Display the ID of the current subject
- Navigate to the current study subject
- Click on the name of the subject to navigate to that subject
- Search and navigate to another subject
- Click on the search box
- Input subject ID to search
- Select the search results or move cursor up and down and hit "Enter" to navigate to the searched subject
Visit Navigator
Menu to navigate between visits which includes:
- Visits
- Data forms of each visits
- Status of each form and visits
Other navigation:
- Schedule Visit: Navigate to the Schedule Visit Dialogue
- Go to Batch Action: Navigate to the Batch Action dialogue
Filter helps filter and quickly search data entry forms of each visit
Filter allows filtering by the following criteria:
- Filter by status
- General Status
- Data Entry Status
- SDV Status
- Signature Status
- Editable Status
- By the DN that form contains
- By applicable actions with the form
- By name
Secondary blocks in Enter Data Page
Subject Matrix contains:
- List of visits of subject
- Information of the study subject
- Task Summary showing tasks to be completed with a visit CRF of a study subject
Visit Block contains:
- List of visit CRFs in a visit
- Detailed information of a visit CRF. Can directly update the start date and end date from this dialogue
Visit CRF
Visit CRF is a data entry form that directly collects data from visits.
Visit CRF dialogue has 4 modes:
- View mode: User can only view the data
- Edit mode: User can edit the data
- Administrative Editing Mode: Visit CRF is completed, modifying data may require creating Discrepancy Notes
- Not Available: Data cannot be viewed if form has been removed or auto-removed or skipped
Schedule visit
Schedule Visit dialogue allows user to set the date of next visit. Can schedule a maximum of 5 visits every time.
Batch Action
Batch Action allows user to take batch actions on multiple forms or visits of a subject.
Can select 2 modes:
- CRFs Mode: Select an take actions on multiple visit CRFs
- Visits Mode: Select and take actions on multiple visits
Actions applicable to one of the objects will be displayed in the action bar
To take batch actions on visit CRFs or visits, user needs to:
- Select the correct mode (CRFs Mode or Visits Mode)
- Select visit CRFs or visits to take action on
- Select the ation
- Confirm actions by pressing confirm or inputting password depending on the action
After completing the action, the status of the subject will change corresponding to the completed action