Subject Matrix

Subject Matrix summarizes the current status of study subjects and visits in the current study/site.

Subject Matrix page has the following parts: 

  1. Filter: Filter and approve studies according to selected criteria
  2. Subject Matrix Table: Provides the current status of a study subject and the subject's visits with actions button to interact with the study subject
  3. Pagination: Study subjects are paginated when there are multiple subjects


This part contains funtionalities to tweak the display such as: 

  • Filter and search study subjects by criteria

  • Select what columns are displayed in the subject matrix

Subject Matrix Table

  • Subject Matrix contains one or many rows
  • Each rows contains the information of a study matrix, which includes:
    • Basic information of study subject such as subject ID, gender, site ID
    • Status of each visit of study subject
    • Applicable actions with study subject (remove, reassign, ...) in action column
  • Click on the subject ID to access the subject information page
  • Click on the symbol of the corresponding visit to access detailed information of that visit or schedule a visit if a visit has not been scheduled


Subject Matrix Pagination contains:

  • Number of subjects after filtering
  • Current page and subsequent pages
  • Change the number of subjects in a page (number of rows)