16.1 Terms for Rule

16.1 Terms for Rule


ActionType contains : DiscrepancyNoteActionEmailActionShowActionHideAction, InsertAction, and VisitAction 

       DiscrepancyNoteAction records a discrepancy note on the Item if the rule expression evaluates true or false

       EmailAction sends an email to specified email address if the rule expression evaluates true or false

       ShowAction shows a particular field(s) that is defined in the DestinationProperty

       HideAction hides a particular field(s) that is defined in the DestinationProperty

       InsertAction inserts a value into a particular field that is defined in the DestinationProperty

       VisitAction schedules a future visit (or visits) based on the date of another visit

DestinationPropertyOID: the Item where the Show, Hide, or Insert action will be applied

VisitDestination: Currently defaulted to STARTDATE, the only property that can be updated as the result of an VisitAction rule

OID (Object Identifiers

RuleDef The rule definition, which includes the rule OID, name, description, and expression. This defines the rule, which is then assigned (referred) in the RuleRef.

-<RuleDef OID="SE_1WEEKFU_STARTDATE" Name=" Schedule 1 Week F/U">

<Description>If first visit startdate is present, set 1 week follow up startdate to first visit + 7 days.</Description>

<Expression>SE_INITIALVISIT.STARTDATE ne ""</Expression>


RuleRef: the rule definition/expression being used by the assignment is referred to in the RuleRef. This is an OID for the particular RuleDef. Each RuleRef may have multiple ActionTypes


-<EventAction OID="SE_1WEEKFU" IfExpressionEvaluates="true">

<RunOnStatus stopped="false" skipped="false" completed="false" data_entry_started="false" scheduled="true" not_scheduled="true"/>

-<EventDestination Property="STARTDATE">

<ValueExpression>SE_INITIALVISIT.STARTDATE + 7</ValueExpression>



RunOn: For all actions except for VisitAction, the parameter that defines when the ActionType will execute. The current phases include InitialDataEntry, AdministrativeEditing, and Batch.

RunOnStatusFor VisitAction, the parameter that defines when the VisitAction will execute: Not Scheduled, Scheduled, Data Entry Started, Completed, Skipped.

Target: The target is the Item where an action will be fired. This is a single Item in a CRF.  When this Item is encountered in the CRF and the user selects the Save button, the system will execute the actions associated with a rule.

ValueExpressionA calculation or other expressions that define what will be populated in the DestinationProperty (for an InsertAction) or VisitDestination (for an VisitAction).

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