Manage Subject Group Classes


CheckPad uses Subject Group Classes to classify study subjects in a clinical trial.

For example: classifying study subject by age of study subject (under 18, from 18 to 65, above 65) is considered a subject group class

In a study there can be multiple subject group classes to classify subjects. 

This guide contains the following:

List of subject group classes

Accessing the list

To access the list, follow the path Build Study > View (Subject Group Classes)

The list of subject group classes contains: 

  1. Search subject group classes by name
  2. List of subject group classes, each row corresponding to 1 subject group class
  3. Action buttons to access functions for subject group classes
    1. View detailed information
    2. Edit corresponding subject group class
    3. Remove subject group class
    4. Recover removed subject group class

Create new subject group class

To create a new subject class: 

Access Create New Subject Group Class Dialogue

From the Build Study select the icon on the Create Subject Group Classes Row

The fields for a subject group class contains: 

Data fields
Filling instructions
Name(tick)Maximum 30 characters

Select from the following:

  • Arm
  • Family/Pedigree
  • Demographic
  • Other
Subject Assignment(tick)

Select from the following:

  • Required: 
  • Optional: 
Group Name(tick)Maximum 20 characters
Study Groups - Description
Maximum 100 characters

Updating Subject Group Class

To update subject group class: 

From the Subject Group Classes Page select the corresponding subject group class: 

To perform changes in the subject group classes dialogue

Notice: Can only remove groups which are not used by any subjects. 

User then click "Confirm Subject Group Class" to confirm action. User will then be redirect to a page to finally confirm action.

Choose Submit Subject Group Class to confirm or Cancel.

Remove, Recover Subject Group Class

From the Subject Group Classes Page users can select: 

  • Remove  subject group classes in use
  • Recover  remove subject group

After selecting remove or recover, User will then be redirect to a page to preview study subjects which are affected by this action. 

User then needs to select the corresponding button to confirm action.