Getting started with CRF Builder
If you are a new user of CRF Builder, the following tutorial will help you quickly create a CRF to have the most basic view of CRF Builder and creating a CRF with CRF Builder
Pre-tutorial requirements
- Log into the system at the "Study" level
- Sign-in account has "Data Manager" rights with the current study
Create a new CRF or CRF Version
Access the CRF List screen via main menu (TASKS > Manage data > CRFs)
Access the Create New CRF screen by clicking the "Create A New CRF" button
Fill in the CRF screen with the following information:
- Name: Demographic Form
- Description: The statistical characteristics of human populations
Press "Next" to create a new CRF
After successfully creating a CRF, the application automatically redirects the user to the "Create new CRF version" screen.
- Name: V1
- Description: First version of demographic
- Revision Note: Init version
Press "Next" to access the CRF Builder interface to build smaller components of CRF Version.
Create new Section
Create new section by dragging and dropping Section from "New Element" area
Fill in the following information for Label:
- Label: Demographic
- Title: Demographic Data
Create new Groups
Drag and drop new Groups from the "New Elements" area into "CRF Version Builder Layout".
Select the newly added Group to perform actions as usual
Fill in the "Name" field in the Editor group
- Name: Demographic Fields
Create new Items
After dragging and dropping items within the CRF Version Builder Layout, select each item and fill in the following fields for each newly added items:
- Date of birth
- Name: DEM_DOB
- Description: Date Of Birth
- Data Type: Date
- Left Item Text: Date of Birth
- Response Type: TEXT
- Required: Yes
- Gender
- Description: DEM_GENDER
- Data Type: INTEGER
- Left Item Text: Gender
- Response Type: RADIO
- Response Layout: Horizontal
- Response Set: GENDER
- Click "New" to create new Response Set
- Fill in Label: Gender
- Create a new option by pressing (+)
- Fill1 into Label, Male into Text
- Fill 2 into Label, Female into Text
- Click "New" to create new Response Set
- Ethnicity
- Name: DEM_ETH
- Description: Ethnicity
- Data Type: INTEGER
- Left Item Text:
- Ethnicity
- Response Type: RADIO
- Response Layout: Vertical
- Response Set: ETH
- Create a new Response Set (ETH) similar to the previous item with the following values:
- 1 - Hispanic
- 2 - Non Hispanic
- 3 - Unknown
- Create a new Response Set (ETH) similar to the previous item with the following values:
- Race
- Name: DEM_RACE
- Description: Race
- Data Type: INTEGER
- Left Item Text: Race
- Response Type: CHECKBOX
- Response Layout: Vertical
- Response Set: RACE
- Create a new Response Set (RACE) similar to the previous item with the following values:
- 1- American Indian
- 2 - African-American or Black
- 3 - Asian
- 4 - Caucasian
- 5 - Mediterranean
- 6 - Middle Eastern
- 7 - Pacific Islander
- 8 - Other
- Create a new Response Set (RACE) similar to the previous item with the following values:
- Marital Status
- Description: Marital status
- Data Type: INTEGER
- Left Item Text: Marital Status
- Response Type: RADIO
- Response Layout: Horizontal
- Response Set: MAR_STAT
- Create a new Response Set (MAR_STAT) similar to the previous item with the following values:
- 1 - Single
- 2 - Married
- 3 - Divorced/Separated
- 4 - Unknown
- Create a new Response Set (MAR_STAT) similar to the previous item with the following values:
- Highest level of education
- Name: DEM_EDU
- Description: Highest level of education
- Data Type: INTEGER
- Left Item Text: Highest level of education
- Response Type: RADIO
- Response Layout: Vertical
- Response Set: EDU_LVL
- Create a new Response Set (EDU_LVL) similar to the previous item with the following values:
- 1 - Did not graduate from High School
- 2 - High School or GED
- 3 - 2 year college
- 4 - 4 year college
- 5 - Masters
- 6 - PhD
- Create a new Response Set (EDU_LVL) similar to the previous item with the following values:
Preview results
Press "Save & Preview" to view results after configuring form
(Needs to enable pop-ups to use this function)
To use the form for collecting data, you need to tick the "Public" checkbox and save the form.